DSW: A Leading Tooling Maker in China
Tooling Maker in China

About Us

At DSW, we are dedicated to excellence in mould manufacturing, fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, and inspiration. We empower our team of knowledge-driven professionals with the tools, resources, and opportunities needed to excel.

Our Mission

As a mold manufacturer, our goal is to deliver superior products, competitive pricing, and exceptional service. We are constantly improving to meet and exceed customer expectations.

Trusted Mold Supplier

With extensive experience in the moulding process, DSW handles challenges such as tool flex, twist, and crush during production. This ensures precision and top-quality molds in every order.

16 Years of Expertise

With 16 years of experience, DSW is a trusted mold manufacturer recognized for delivering custom, high-quality mold and die solutions across a wide range of industries, including automotive, lighting, medical, agricultural, and machinery.

plastic molding worshop


We Are Professional​

DSW offers our customers a complete set of mold design and tool engineering solutions and has software that analyzes the molding filling process and establishes filling times, cooling times, material shrinkage, flow direction, and molded-in stress.

  • UL material approval,TQM system ISO9001:2015
  • Corporation system with long standing employees
  • Smooth transition from design through to tooling and production

We Are Trusted

DSW is recognized by the China General Administration of Customs and has been listed in the “China Export Leading Indicator” survey since 2019. Our reputation as a trusted mold manufacturer and mold supplier is backed by our experience and reliability.

CNC machines used by a mold manufacturer to create plastic molds.

We Are Expert

We review the plastic molds for more than just inserts and tight tolerances. Mold filling requirements and runner balancing are considered. The strength of steel is evaluated for steel deflections that may lead to flash or even mold breakage. Understanding the molding process, the molding press, and molding process can generate tool flex, twist, and crush.

  • Offer a broad range of cost-effective industrial solutions
  • Maintain a robust inventory of parts and products
  • Provide repair services to a diverse customer base across multiple sectors