nylon injection moulding

Nylon Injection

Nylon injection molding is widely used in various industries due to its efficiency and ability to produce high-quality, intricate parts.
Nylon boasts a tensile strength superior to that of metals and has a compression strength comparable to metals, though it is less rigid.
Nylon injection molding offers several advantages, including:
Durability: Strong and impact-resistant.
Flexibility: Allows complex shapes and features.
Lightweight: High strength-to-weight ratio.
Chemical Resistance: Resists chemicals and solvents.
Electrical Insulation: Excellent for electrical components.
Low Friction: Reduces wear in moving parts.
Cost-Effective: Affordable and efficient for mass production.
Ease of Processing: Simple and fast molding.


Nylon Molding and Electrical Systems

Nylon injection moulding is a process that creates parts from nylon, a versatile and durable thermoplastic.
Nylon provides excellent electrical insulation, high resistance to breakdown, and strong volume resistance.
Its durability, strength, and versatility make nylon ideal for numerous applications across various industries.

We offer Nylon injection moulding for fused switches, switchgear, and insulated fuse switches.
Our solutions cater to industries such as automotive and electrical and electronics, providing comprehensive coverage for your needs.

Enclosure of 400A Fuse Switch

Glass-Filled Nylon Injection Molding
Pole fuse switch disconnectors are used for protecting low-voltage networks. They combine the functions of a fuse, a switch and a disconnector
The fuse switch disconnector is fully insulated and features a high glass content.
Glass-filled nylon injection molding meets a range of essential requirements:

  • Fully Insulated: Ensures complete electrical isolation.
  • On-Load Switching Capability: Operates safely under load conditions.
  • Corrosion-Proof: Resists damage from environmental factors.
  • Standard Hook-Stick Compatibility: Fits standard hook-stick tools for ease of use.
  • Integral Mounting Bracket: Includes a built-in bracket for secure bolting or strapping.
  • Fuse Link Compatibility: Accommodates size 00 NH fuse links or connecting links.
  • Rated Operational Voltage: Supports up to 480V for reliable performance.

Features of Nylon Moulding

Material Properties: Nylon is known for its strength, flexibility, wear resistance, and chemical resistance. These properties make it suitable for a wide range of applications, including automotive parts, consumer goods, and industrial components.
Process Overview:
Heating: Nylon pellets are heated until they melt into a viscous liquid.
Injection: The molten nylon is injected into a pre-designed mold cavity under high pressure.
Cooling: The nylon cools and solidifies in the mold, taking the shape of the cavity.
Ejection: The mold opens, and the finished part is ejected.
Precision: Nylon molding produces parts with high precision and consistent quality.
Efficiency: The process is highly efficient, allowing for mass production of parts.
Versatility: Complex shapes and intricate designs can be easily achieved.
Durability: The resulting parts are strong and durable, suitable for demanding applications.
Automobile Industry:
Blower housings
Pump housings
Power tool housings
Motor parts
Pump parts

Electrical & Electronics:
Cooling fans and fan blades
Power plugs
Gears and bearings
Electrical tool housings and parts
Power connectors
Switch sockets
Motor spools
Electronic appliances

Partner with DSW

Discover how nylon injection molding can enhance your production needs. Contact us today for tailored enclosure solutions in fused switches, switchgear, and more.