Thermoplastics be melted, shaped, and cooled multiple times


Injection Molding: Thermoplastics vs. Thermosetting Plastics

Injection molding is a popular manufacturing process for creating a wide range of products, from automotive components to everyday household items. Two main types of plastics are commonly used in injection molding: thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. Understanding the differences between these materials is crucial for selecting the right type for specific applications.

 thermoplastics Vs thermosetting plastics in injection molding
thermoplastics Vs thermosetting plastics

What is the Difference Between Thermoplastic and Thermosetting Plastic?

Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics are two distinct categories of polymers, each with unique properties and applications due to their different behaviours under heat.

Thermoplastics are polymers that can be heated, melted, and reshaped multiple times without altering their fundamental chemical structure. This is because thermoplastics have linear or slightly branched polymer chains without cross-linking, allowing them to flow when heated. Common examples include polyethene (used in plastic bags and bottles), polypropylene (used in automotive parts and packaging), and polystyrene (used in foam products and disposable cutlery). Due to their ability to be recycled and reformed, thermoplastics are widely used in applications that require versatility and ease of processing.

Thermosetting plastics, on the other hand, undergo a chemical change when heated. This process, known as curing, forms irreversible bonds or cross-links between polymer chains, setting their shape permanently. Once cured, these plastics cannot be melted or reshaped. Examples include epoxy resins (used in adhesives and coatings), phenolic resins (used in electrical insulators), and melamine (used in kitchenware). Thermosetting plastics are known for their high thermal stability, chemical resistance, and structural integrity, making them ideal for applications requiring durability and heat resistance.


Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics are two major categories of plastics with distinct characteristics and uses, primarily based on their behaviour when exposed to heat. Here’s a detailed comparison of the two:

1. Thermoplastics:

Thermoplastics are polymers that become soft and moldable upon heating and harden upon cooling. This process is reversible and can be repeated multiple times without significantly altering the chemical structure or properties of the material.

Thermoplastic: LEGO bricks are famously made from ABS plastic
Thermoplastic: LEGO and ABS


  • Recyclability: Thermoplastics can be melted and reshaped multiple times, making them highly recyclable. This property is advantageous for applications requiring reprocessing or reshaping.
  • Heat Sensitivity: When heated, thermoplastics soften and can be easily moulded into different shapes. Upon cooling, they solidify without undergoing any chemical change.
  • Bonding: The polymer chains in thermoplastics are not cross-linked; weak intermolecular forces hold them together (van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonds), allowing them to flow and be reprocessed.
  • Examples: Common thermoplastics include polyethene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polyethene terephthalate (PET), and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).


  • Thermoplastics are widely used in applications where ease of molding and recycling are essential, such as packaging, consumer goods, automotive parts, and medical devices.
  • Products include plastic bottles, toys, car dashboards, and electronic housings.

2. Thermosetting Plastics:

Thermosetting plastics (or thermosets) are polymers that irreversibly harden upon heating. Once they are set and cured, they cannot be remelted or reshaped.

Phenolic knobs formed by thermosetting plastics
thermosetting plastics


  • Irreversible Curing: During the initial heating process, thermosetting plastics undergo a chemical change that forms cross-links between the polymer chains. This process, called curing or cross-linking, permanently sets the material’s shape.
  • Heat Resistance: Thermosetting plastics are more heat-resistant and will not melt when reheated. Instead, they will char or degrade when exposed to high temperatures beyond their stability range.
  • Durability: Due to their cross-linked structure, thermosets have high structural integrity, chemical resistance, and dimensional stability, making them suitable for high-stress applications.
  • Examples: Common thermosetting plastics include epoxy resin, phenolic resin, melamine, urea-formaldehyde, polyester resin, and polyurethane.


  • Thermosetting plastics require materials that maintain their shape and strength under high temperatures or stress. These include electrical insulators, adhesives, automotive components, circuit boards, and kitchenware (like melamine dishes).
  • Products include electrical fittings, laminates, adhesives, and coatings.

 Thermoplastics Vs Thermosetting Plastics:

Property Thermoplastics Thermosetting Plastics
Recyclability Recyclable; can be reshaped and remelted Not recyclable; cannot be remelted once cured
Heat Behavior Softens when heated and hardens when cooled Cures and hardens permanently when heated
Bonding Structure No cross-links; linear or branched polymer chains Cross-linked structure, creating a rigid network
Mechanical Properties Less rigid, more flexible; can be softened More rigid, hard, and brittle; retains shape under heat
Applications Widely used in packaging, consumer products, etc. Used in high-temperature, high-stress environments
Examples PE, PP, PVC, PET, ABS, PS Epoxy, phenolic, melamine, urea-formaldehyde, polyurethane

Examples of Thermosets and Thermoplastics in Use

Thermoset Example: Phenolic in Electrical Applications
Phenolic resin is a classic example of a thermosetting plastic widely used in electrical applications. Known for its excellent thermal stability and insulating properties, phenolic resin is highly resistant to heat and electrical conductivity. These characteristics make it an ideal material for electrical insulators, circuit boards, and switchgear components. Unlike thermoplastics, phenolic does not soften or melt upon reheating, making it suitable for high-temperature environments where materials must maintain their structural integrity. Additionally, phenolic’s resistance to chemicals and moisture further enhances its durability, making it a preferred choice for electrical housings and industrial applications where safety and reliability are critical. Beyond the electrical industry, phenolic is also used in automotive parts, kitchenware, and laminate flooring, showcasing its versatility and strength in various high-performance applications.

Thermoplastic Example: ABS in LEGO Bricks
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is a popular thermoplastic used in numerous applications, one of the most notable being LEGO bricks. ABS is chosen for its strength and exceptional dimensional stability, ensuring that LEGO bricks fit together perfectly and retain their shape over time. Additionally, ABS is resistant to colour fading, making it ideal for long-lasting, colourful toys. However, a limitation of ABS is its opacity, which is why transparent LEGO bricks are made from polycarbonate, another thermoplastic known for its clarity and toughness. Due to its durability and impact resistance, ABS is also widely used in automotive parts, consumer electronics, and protective gear.

Understanding the specific properties and applications of thermosets and thermoplastics can help manufacturers make informed decisions about material selection, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency for their products.

By understanding these differences, manufacturers can select the appropriate type of plastic based on the application’s specific requirements, such as durability, flexibility, thermal resistance, and recyclability.

Thermoplastic Injection Molding from DSW

With over 25 years of experience, DSW specializes in providing top-quality plastic injection molding services to original equipment manufacturers and businesses. Our expertise ensures we can help you select the ideal thermoplastic polymer for your product, optimizing for both performance and cost-efficiency. If you’re seeking a partner to reduce lead times and production costs without compromising on quality, DSW is here to support your needs. Get in touch with us today to explore your options.

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